Annual Reports, Notices & Results Annual Report2016-20172017-20182018-20192019-20202020-20212021-20222022-20232023-2024Annual Return 2016-17Annual Return 2017-18Annual Return 2018-19Annual Return 2019-20Annual Return 2020-21Annual Return 2020-21Extract of Annual Return- MGT-9Annual Return 2022-23Extract of Annual Return- MGT-9Annual Return 2023-24 Notices of Annual General MeetingNotice of 14th Annual General MeetingNotice of 15th Annual General MeetingNotice of 16th Annual General MeetingNotice of 17th Annual General MeetingNotice of 18th Annual General MeetingNotice of 19th Annual General MeetingNotice of 20th Annual General MeetingNotice of 21st Annual General Meeting Newspaper AdvertisementsNotice of 14th AGM, E-voting & Book ClosureNotice of 15th AGM, E-voting & Book ClosureNotice of 16th AGM, E-voting & Book ClosureNotice of 17th AGM, E-voting & Book ClosureNotice of 18th AGM through VC or OAVMNotice of 17th AGM, E-voting, Book Closure & Record DateNotice of 18th AGM, E-voting & Book ClosureNotice of 19th AGM, E Voting and Book closureNotice of 20th AGM, E voting and Book ClosureIntimation of Record Date_Bonus issueIntimation of Revised Record Date_bonus issueIntimation of Record Date- Bonus issue (2023)Intimation of Record Date- Interim DividendIntimation of Record Date -Right IssueNotice of dispatch -Right issueIntimation of Record Date -Right IssueNotice of 21st AGM, E voting and Book Closure Outcome of Annual General MeetingOutcome of the 14th Annual General MeetingOutcome of the 15th Annual General MeetingOutcome of the 16th Annual General MeetingOutcome of the 17th Annual General MeetingTranscript of the 17th Annual General MeetingOutcome of the 18th Annual General MeetingTranscript of the 18th Annual General MeetingOutcome of 19th Annual General MeetingOutcome of 20th Annual General MeetingOutcome of 21st Annual General Meeting